Thursday, March 5, 2009

You Think I Would Learn...

I am sure that for most of you that are friends with me on Facebook, you know that I have been a little concussed as of late. So, I thought that I would share the story of a girl, her head, and a metal thing that did not feel like a pillow when being smacked into. So there I was minding my own business and doing my laundry at our apartment complex laundry room. I leaned down to get my towels out of the bottom dryer when this jumped out and smacked me in the head: All of a sudden, the room went dark and filled with stars and I decided to sit down really fast. Don't you worry, though, I recovered quickly and only a few tears were streaming down my cheeks when I got the rest of my clothes and went home. I just had a little bit of a knot on my head, so I put a bag of frozen popcorn kernals on my head and took some good painkillers and went to bed. The next day I was a little bit dizzy, but my pupils were the right size and the knot on my head was considerably smaller. Fast forward a couple of days with a headache and a couple of dizzy spells, and you will find me at the Doctor's office. After a stern lecture about when to go to the doctor (apparently, most people go right to the doctor when they hurt themselves-weird)and a diagnosis of "Mild" concussion, I was allowed to leave. I use the term "Mild" lightly because the headaches accompanying said concussion were not mild by any means. Anyways, long story short, I gave myself a mild concussion whilst doing my laundry and now I am much better. Luckily, this is concussion #4 in the history of my life and I know exactly how to handle them.
I do have to give props to my Dad, though, who heard the story and stayed very calm when commenting, "Wow-There is probably somebody out there who could make trendy, nice-looking, oh what are they called? Oh yeah-HELMETS!" Thanks Dad, apparently I should look into that, because who knows when the next sharp metal thing will jump out and smack me in the head?


Todd and Amyjoy said...

4TH concussion?????

The only thing that has come close for me was when I leapt up, my
5'2" self and hit my head on the fire extinguisher. Remember? I sure do!

Glad you are feeling better!

Cinda said...

I guess you shouldn't do laundry anymore. It's harmful to your health.

I'm sorry it happened to you. I am glad you are feeling better.

Michele and Wyatt said...

ouch! I am totally remembering the same story as Amyjoy. When my husband suffered his 2nd concussion after wrecking on his motorcycle, the doctor told him, 3 strikes your out. Basically if you get another concussion you might want to consider giving up motorcycle riding. I'm not a doctor or anything, but with a 4th concussion, maybe laundry isn't for you. Take care of yourself.

Nikki said...

Hey - if it makes you feel any better the volleyball serve I took to the head 6 months ago turned into Post-Traumatic Concussion Syndrome, then to a severe case of Vertigo...I'd keep seeing your doctor if I were you! :)