Friday, March 27, 2009

To Go Private or Not...

As a full-time University employee, I find myself with the unique opportunity to be surrounded by a diverse group of people at all times. Today, for example, I was able to talk with some new freshmen about blogging and one of them brought up the topic of having your blog be private. Now, I know that some people feel very strongly about this and have private blogs and I am totally fine with that. I respect your decision. These girls were talking about how they thought there were a bunch of "creepies" out there probably looking at their blogs right now. I was rather perplexed by this. I do not worry that some creepy person is looking at my blog.I am sure that there are a lot more websites out there that are way better suited to creepies than my blog. I also don't worry that someone is going to attack me whilst I am in the shower, either, but I digress. Now, I am not saying that we should not be aware of the world or it's happenings, because we should, but even if some creepy was looking at my blog, what does that mean?
So, until I have some concrete proof that having my blog out there for all to see is a big deal, I will stay public with my blog. But, if you are a creepy that is looking at my blog for one reason or the other, stop it right now. Turn your computer off and go outside to get a little air. Then go to the police station and identify yourself as a creepy. They will appreciate you doing this because they are hard working officers of the law and are pretty busy trying to catch stalkers, murderers,thieves, kidnappers, etc. so you will be doing them a favor. Oh yeah, and one more thing, creepy, if any of them happens to be tall and single, go ahead and show them my blog. Thanks.


Chantalle said...

I like this post :) To go or not to go...I just figure it is easier for friends to find me with it being public...and I have a sitemeter thingy so supposedly I can have some control on knowing who is on my site...I guess it is easier to think that the creepies are not looking at my site and that I can continue to fill it with pictures of Zach. Maybe private when he is in school and I can't watch him? Then that opens a whole can of worms of what to be scared yet another day where I decide to just stay put and not even go there.

Unknown said...

I can be creepy but I don't think you're talking about me.

Jennie said...

I keep it public because it makes it easier for me! I dont want to have to add a whole bunch of emails to a list so people can stalk me. If you think my life is interesting, read away. Just dont post your address or anything :)

Anonymous said...

We were about to go private and then I got to thinking, I like having it public and I'm not putting things on my blog that will contradict my family so I should be okay. I agree, I probably won't make mine private for a long while.

Jane said...

OK, how many times do you think you used the term, "creepy"? I do like it better than, say, pervert, or deviant, or scum-bag, but I believe you are the first person I've known who uses the word as a noun.... But I digress, and just for the record, I'm not criticizing you; as a matter of fact, I found this particular entry quite original and well written. Love, Your English Teacher

murdockspencer said...

well said, I wish it was easier to go private and grant access to others. But with only 15 viewers, I can't be choosy!