Friday, February 8, 2008

A January in Review:

So, did January go by super fast to anyone else? Here are a few highlights of my month:
  • New roommate Michelle. She is FANTASTIC! After the whole fiasco with the last roommate (we had to kick her out because she was causing major problems) it is nice to want to be home and hanging out again.
  • Logan has been buried in snow! We have been receiving record levels of snow and there is no end in sight. Makes me happy that I have already learned how to ski and even happier that my Dad and Bro are coming first week in March to enjoy the wonderful white stuff.
  • School. I am in a Science class this semester about Energy and it's impact on the Environment taught by a Nuclear Physicist who believes in Extra fact we get extra credit if we have a close encounter with someone or something out of this world. Enough said.
  • Work. We are setting records of how many people are being admitted to Utah State. I wonder what my life will be like when I am only working 40 hours...ah the free time. I really love my job and when I get frustrated, I just have to think that I am usually sending letters to people that get really happy when they see those words "Congratulations and welcome to Utah State University!"
  • Got to go to a workshop on Violence in the Workplace. This is not super newsworthy, but did you know that you are 85% more likely to get attacked at work by a frustrated co-worker than a random customer?
  • There is becoming less of me to love....6 lbs. less so far. I am working on being a lot more healthy and going to the gym more regularly, so stay tuned for the updates.
  • New Pet Peeve: People asking the question, "So why are you not married?" While I do appreciate that they still have to wonder, I am not sure exactly how to answer this is usually asked by people who don't know me very well, so the dozens of sarcastic answers that come into my mind are not so appropriate. And...note to all of the blissfully happy married people: being single does not equal being miserable!


Nikki said...

I love it when you post! I had a student ask me where my husband was when he found out my age...I replied "when you find him let me know...he is hiding!" HA HA I'm curious to where you got your Logan is BEAUTIFUL...I want a copy!!

murdockspencer said...

does Christmas dinner with mark the painter count for extra credit? And why would you hold back your sarcasm when it's a totally inappropriate question anyway? This is weird, I just can't picture you biting your tongue! I'm glad you're back on the blog.

Becky said...

Extra Terrestrials eh? Sounds like an interesting class - at least, I can't imagine getting bored. My sister's father-in-law has a landing pad on the roof of their house if that isn't weird enough! :)
As for the single question - I say if they are bold enough to ask it they should be strong enough to take the sarcasm.
Glad to hear you are doing well.