Thursday, February 21, 2008

Earthquake felt in Logan!

So, I don't want to overshadow my favorite Ryan, but there was an earthquake this morning that woke me up out of bed! It was centered in Wells, Nevada and was a 6.0 felt all the way up to Boise! While it is a little disconcerting thinking of all the people here who don't know what to do in an earthquake, I felt very safe knowing that I would stay calm if hit by the BIG ONE! It just rattled us a little, but I checked and the buildings that I live and work in are retrofitted. Phew! Let's just hope for a lot of little ones...going through one big earthquake in one's lifetime in plenty- some people will never forget where they were on a certain October day in 1989!


murdockspencer said...

That's good to know that your buildings are retrofitted. Yeah, I'll never forget 9/17/89. Glad everything is ok.

Laura B from the LBC said...

I love that you checked. I got your text and I didn't feel it but my head has been spinning for a few days so I don't think I would notice. I need some rest....I am a little foggy....