Thursday, April 30, 2009

Singleton Living. Seriously.

There are very few times that us single gals really lament not having a guy around. Don't get me wrong, if the right guy comes along, there will be no protests from me. But every once in a while, like when there is something heavy to be moved, something slimy to be smooshed, a lid to be opened, or a vehicle to be worked on, I can't help but think, "Wow, it would be really nice to have a guy around." My latest adventure into car repair has made me think that a boyfriend right now would be great.So there I was, just making a call to my trusted mechanic who has taken very good care of the Jeep in the past when I got someone new on the phone and here is how our conversation went:

Mechanic: Brent Allen Automotive, how can I help you?
AnneBarlow: Hi-this is Anne. I need to make an appointment for you to look at my Jeep. You've had it in there before.
M: Oh? Is there something wrong with it?
AB: I am not totally sure, but it has started to make a whistling sound.
M: A whistle or a whistle?
AB: Yes.
M: Well what do you think it is?
AB: I am not sure, maybe a belt problem? You would probably be better equipped to figure out the problem than I am...
M: Well, I am not so sure about that. You said that you have a Jeep?
AB:Yes, a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
M: I heard those were pretty crappy cars to own. I would probably never buy one.
AB: Well, I love mine and it has been a really good car for me so far. Except for the whistling sound.
M: A whistling sound or a whistling sound?
AB: You must be new. (long pause) Is Brent there?
M: Oh Sure-here he is.
Brent: Hi Anne-you can bring the Jeep in on Saturday. No problem.

Now before you ask, this conversation was for real and it happened to me just yesterday. Luckily, I am the daughter of a car guy who taught me well, so it is very rare that a mechanic tries to pull one over on me. I have to think though, that if there was a male voice coming from my end of the line, the conversation would have gone differently.Seriously.


Jen and Ryan said...

a whistle or a whistle? Is there a difference?

Jane said...

This is hilarious, Anne!

Kim said...

I laughed out loud Anne.

Thanks for the giggle.


murdockspencer said...

Holy Crap! I wonder if Brent was standing right there while he talked to you? What a blow hard!

Becky said...

Oh I was so right...I came to your blog KNOWING that it would make me smile. It DID. That is awesome.

I've been thinking about you a lot lately. Hope you are doing well. Take care. :)