Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To Facebook or to not Facebook?

That really is the question! So lately I have been hearing a lot about how everyone is on Facebook and I still don't really know if I should make a Facebook page for myself. All I ever hear is how I would be surprised at how many people can find me on Facebook and that I should totally do it because I am missing out on mass invites and catching up with people I haven't talked to in years. I am dragging my feet a little because I am not sure that I really want to talk to people I haven't talked to in years and I think that putting myself on Facebook would make it that much easier for a stalker to find me. I am sure that there is a stalker lurking on Facebook that doesn't know how to blog because he hasn't found me yet, but I am sure that he is out there. And along with my fear of stalkers, I also have a fear that no one will want to be my friend on Facebook. (That's how it works, apparently, is that you request to be someone's friend and they say yes or no-kind of feels like waiting to be picked for the team in PE and hoping beyond all hopes that you won't be picked last after Stacey Snottynose).
So, anyways, I will probably give in...but is it worth it?


Nikki said...

Ok - so I was totally on your same page until a couple months ago. I thought it was just another stalker network and vowed I would never join. Now that I have, it is great. I have mine set to super private so I don't get creepy stalkers, but it is a great way to learn what your friends that you don't really have constant contact with are doing with their lives. I've learned of engagements, job promotions, moves, etc. If you join I would totally add you as my friend. You would be the best epicenter friend since you know EVERYONE!!! Join it...do it...you'll be glad you did. And no...facebook does not pay me to give such great reviews! :)

Lydia and Josh said...

I'll be your friend on Facebook!

murdockspencer said...

I have one, too, but I mainly communicate through the blog, I just put a link to it on the facebook page.

ames said...

Anne, I'm with you everyone is telling me to join facebook but I really don't want everyone finding me either. Good-luck with your decision.
By the way I love your picture on your header.

Laura B from the LBC said...

Ok, as a facebooker myself, I feel that to help with your decision, I should add a few things you should know:
First-Don't accept friendships with people you don't know. This leads to your fear of stalkers and then you will get a mass amount of invites to stupid things you will never attend.(I personally see a bigger problem with the latter)
Second-It really is a great way to invite people to parties. We have gone to many a facebook party down here in SLC that have rocked
Third-You will totally have friends. If no one requests you though, feel free to break my first rule so you don't feel dumb.

Cinda said...

Will you still blog or go completly to facebook?