Sunday, March 21, 2010

#6: Visit a new State

It is my goal that in the history of my life before I die, I visit all 50 states in these United States. The rule is that I have to stay there at least long enough to take in some local culture. I have visited 11 so far, so now I just have 39 to go...and I pretty much have the West Coast covered, so looks like I will be getting on a plane. And if anyone wants to come along, I am always up for a traveling companion. Just beware, I am entertained VERY easily. Where is the World's Largest Ball of Yarn located?
Also, don't worry, I will be adding pics to the blog again soon. I just haven't been in a picture taking mood.


Todd and Amyjoy said...

I recommend Alaska! In the summer of course! Absolutely beautiful. Plus you can pick yourself up a man. I hear there are lots of single guys there. hahaha (I'll tell you more about that later.)

Where are you headed?

ames said...

Love this goal, I would love to see more of the US of A myself. I have been to 11 states as well 12 if you count D.C. I can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Jonny said...

YAY! I love that goal. May I recommend Illinois. Chicago, Nauvoo, Carthidge...Becky's house. We'll only be here for another year and would LOVE to see you. You can even stay at our house as long as you don't mind a couch or air mattress for a bed and four little kids. ;)

BTW, I just realized I am signed in under Jon's name...but this IS Becky.