As many of you know, I have been doing some random blog posts to get credit for one of my classes and my Professor commented in class that some people's blogs have been too positive. here is a list of some not so positive things that I came up with that I could live without:
1. Bad Breath. I sat behind Amy Bad Breath in Mrs. Henderson's 8th Grade French class and I don't really remember much about her, just that she had horrible breath and I never wanted to talk to her. So if you are someone's Amy Bad Breath, always have a fresh piece of gum ready. Always.
2. When people start a sentence with, "No offense, but..." Here's a tip, if you have to clarify that what you are about to say is not going to be offensive, it probably will offend.
3. Big Hair Days. As a curly haired girl, I can usually pull of having cute hair if I try. The problem is, sometimes it just gets HUGE and looks like I am trying to be an '80s rocker. Someone even commented on it in Sunday School one time about how they were trying to make a comment but the teacher couldn't see them because they were sitting behind my huge hair. Not funny.
4. When people refer to everything outside of Utah and Idaho as "The Mission Field". I stole this one from Laura, but I totally agree. Does this mean that anyone living in Utah and Idaho is exempt from doing missionary work? If this were true, why are missionaries even sent here anymore and not out "to the mission field"?
5. The question, "Why aren't you married?" This always brings an awkward stop to any conversation much like the question, "Why are you so ugly?" would. I never really know what people are expecting to hear as the answer to this question, but so far I have been able to avoid vocalizing some of the sarcastic answers that run through my head. So far...
6. Personal Space Invaders. I have a very fine tuned creep-o-meter and if you are one that gives me the creeps, get out of my space. Hand shakes and high fives are fine, but sometimes even that is too close. And no hugging. Ever.
7. Knowers of Everything. You know who I am talking about. These are the people who know more information than you about anything and everything. And they shove it down your throat. No matter what they have had more experience than you, and they make sure that you always know if they think that you are wrong-awesome.
8. Complainers. I am just as sympathetic as the next person, but stop complaining. If you are having a hard time about something and feeling sorry for yourself, get online and google one of the following words: poverty, bankruptcy, unemployment rates, cancer, recent deaths...or anything along those lines. I guarantee it will make you feel better about your life because you will most likely find someone who has it worse than you. Guaranteed.
9. Bad Drivers. Enough said.
10. Migraines. I am pretty sure that the person who finally discovers the be all end all cure for migraines will win the Nobel Peace Prize and just might be credited as providing one of the greatest gifts to mankind ever. Pretty sure this is what would happen.
So there's my list. I am sure that I could come up with more if I really tried, but these are just some things that have been on my mind for the last couple of weeks because I have probably dealt with each of them in one way or another. Feel free to share if I have missed anything...