Friday, March 27, 2009

To Go Private or Not...

As a full-time University employee, I find myself with the unique opportunity to be surrounded by a diverse group of people at all times. Today, for example, I was able to talk with some new freshmen about blogging and one of them brought up the topic of having your blog be private. Now, I know that some people feel very strongly about this and have private blogs and I am totally fine with that. I respect your decision. These girls were talking about how they thought there were a bunch of "creepies" out there probably looking at their blogs right now. I was rather perplexed by this. I do not worry that some creepy person is looking at my blog.I am sure that there are a lot more websites out there that are way better suited to creepies than my blog. I also don't worry that someone is going to attack me whilst I am in the shower, either, but I digress. Now, I am not saying that we should not be aware of the world or it's happenings, because we should, but even if some creepy was looking at my blog, what does that mean?
So, until I have some concrete proof that having my blog out there for all to see is a big deal, I will stay public with my blog. But, if you are a creepy that is looking at my blog for one reason or the other, stop it right now. Turn your computer off and go outside to get a little air. Then go to the police station and identify yourself as a creepy. They will appreciate you doing this because they are hard working officers of the law and are pretty busy trying to catch stalkers, murderers,thieves, kidnappers, etc. so you will be doing them a favor. Oh yeah, and one more thing, creepy, if any of them happens to be tall and single, go ahead and show them my blog. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Amazing Spring Break

So anyone that has been watching the headlines in Utah lately knows that there have been some major budget cuts to higher education. While my job is safe so far, we did get put on furlough for Spring Break, meaning that campus was closed and we are not going to be paid for a week of work (which gets spread out every paycheck until July). So what did I do? I hightailed it out of here and spent 8 glorious days in California! My roommate Michelle came too and we had a great time that included seeing the sights in the City:Going to see Wicked-which was AWESOME!Hanging out with Sammie, who pretty much looks like this every time we are around her:And introducing our new brother Ryan Wallace to everyone with an Open House:
Which, by the way, means that I have officially lost my title as tallest person in the family now that he is around.
All-in-all, we played, enjoyed the sunny weather, got some much needed R&R, ate lots of good food and were a little sad to come back to Logan. It was a great break, but maybe best of all, my curse of the canyon is broken-it looked like this both times we drove through:

Ah-I love that Spring is right around the corner...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

You Think I Would Learn...

I am sure that for most of you that are friends with me on Facebook, you know that I have been a little concussed as of late. So, I thought that I would share the story of a girl, her head, and a metal thing that did not feel like a pillow when being smacked into. So there I was minding my own business and doing my laundry at our apartment complex laundry room. I leaned down to get my towels out of the bottom dryer when this jumped out and smacked me in the head: All of a sudden, the room went dark and filled with stars and I decided to sit down really fast. Don't you worry, though, I recovered quickly and only a few tears were streaming down my cheeks when I got the rest of my clothes and went home. I just had a little bit of a knot on my head, so I put a bag of frozen popcorn kernals on my head and took some good painkillers and went to bed. The next day I was a little bit dizzy, but my pupils were the right size and the knot on my head was considerably smaller. Fast forward a couple of days with a headache and a couple of dizzy spells, and you will find me at the Doctor's office. After a stern lecture about when to go to the doctor (apparently, most people go right to the doctor when they hurt themselves-weird)and a diagnosis of "Mild" concussion, I was allowed to leave. I use the term "Mild" lightly because the headaches accompanying said concussion were not mild by any means. Anyways, long story short, I gave myself a mild concussion whilst doing my laundry and now I am much better. Luckily, this is concussion #4 in the history of my life and I know exactly how to handle them.
I do have to give props to my Dad, though, who heard the story and stayed very calm when commenting, "Wow-There is probably somebody out there who could make trendy, nice-looking, oh what are they called? Oh yeah-HELMETS!" Thanks Dad, apparently I should look into that, because who knows when the next sharp metal thing will jump out and smack me in the head?