So I have found that everywhere I go as of late, people seem to feel like they need to tell me intimate details of their lives. I am not sure what it is about me, but anyone from the check-out lady at Wal-Mart to a waiter at a restaurant, to the lady doing my nails, to random students deciding that they need to be my new best friend-I hear very personal things about people that I never wanted to know. And it usually makes me feel a little weird. Here are a few examples of things that have happened in the past couple of weeks:
-I was getting my nails done and the lady getting her nails done next to me starts making small talk with us. Then, all of a sudden, she starts to tell me about her husband and his health problems. Not just his health problems, but that he was going to be having surgery that would make him, "a little less of a man". What?!? I don't even want to know what that means, I never want to know what that means and I hope that she never has an appointment at the same time I do because I would hate to know what she talks about to people she considers to be in her inner circle.
-The other day I went to pick up some food at this cool El Salvadorian restaurant and the lady behind the counter decided it would be a good time to tell me about how she takes care of all of the bills for her father, she can sign his name just perfectly, her husband used to be a huge troublemaker in school, and that her baby wasn't feeling good. All I wanted was to have some food. Nothing more, nothing less. Really thanks for sharing.
-I was at Wal-Mart and the lady that was checking me out commented on everything I was buying. Not just commented, but told me that she couldn't eat apples because they make her gassy, she couldn't use the lotion I had because it gave her a red-scaly rash, then she proceeded to tell me as she bagged up my stuff that her husband always carries her bags in the house that I really should get one because they are really handy when it comes to doing the manly stuff. Okay, I'll work on that.
Now, I am not complaining, but it does make me think that I should consider changing my career path. Maybe I should be a Psychiatrist. Or an Interrogator for the Government-all I would have to do is say hello and they would spill their guts. Hmmmm...
You have a way, Anne. Remember when you used to hurt me then convince me not to tell Dad?
oh golly!! PEOPLE! Thats awkward...
Mike-what is funny to me about your memories is that you never seem to mention what you were doing to MAKE me hurt you...hmmmm
Anne, you crack me up. You should write a book. You have always been easy to talk to.
Those are some pretty crazy-funny stories. Yikes. I agree, some things are just better kept hidden. :)
Quit being so easy to talk to is my advice.;)
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