Thursday, April 17, 2008

You can take the girl out of the city...

So, as much as I truly love living in Cache Valley, I never cease to be amazed at the things that still surprise me. I have learned a few things about small town living:
1. Do not be shocked when driving on the highway going 60 mph if a tractor pulls out in front of you going 3 mph. This is usually a bright yellow contraption with a bucket on the front and tires as big as the Jeep. Sometimes, though, the happy farmer will be chatting away on his cell phone completely oblivious to the fact that he has the potential to totally stop traffic.
2. That some people's definition of "grasping the English language" are very different than the rest of America. Now I used to work for the redneck of all rednecks, so I consider myself pretty fluent in redneck, but I still cringe a little when I hear phrases like "I usedta could" "Get 'er done" (more than just Larry the Cable Guy actually say this), and just the all together use of expletives in place of normal words.
3. While driving, there are a few things to know to survive in Cache Valley: First, when the light turns yellow, you better step on it to get through or you will be waved at wildly with one finger by the driver behind you. Second, speaking of waving with one finger-apparently this is an acceptable way to say hello if you are from a small town. Third, even though there are center lanes to make turning off the road easier for others to get around you, it is also an option to just go ahead and stop in the middle of the lane. Fourth, at any given time-especially when it is snowy, be prepared to swerve off of the road to avoid some idiot in 4-wheel drive who thought he was invincible and is now careening across all lanes of traffic out of control.
4. Finally, when travelling anywhere outside of city limits, be aware of the wildlife around you. Just recently, one of my friends was hit by a deer whilst driving in their car. That's right, around here, the animals hit you-not the other way around.
So, while I choose to live in the small haven called Cache Valley, I will always be reminded of the small town-ness of my surroundings. I will also keep the pledge to never ever sound like I am from a small town:)


Nikki said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Chalk it win! Get your acceptance speech ready, that it award winning. Oh the vivid memories it brought back from my days as a resident of the CV! :) Thanks! :)

Laura B from the LBC said...

Oh this is too good. It reminds me of the time I was working at Hamiltons and the couple I was serving asked if I was from Utah because I talked as if I was from Utah.

I have never been more offended in my life......

murdockspencer said...

That sounds like just about everywhere in Utah that I've been. Glad you're still learning. I hope you win if one of those 4WD idiots comes at you. Oh, but wait, if they have anti lock brakes, you'll be ok!

Unknown said...

All very true Anne, and although I'm from here it still shocks me that people just don't get life sometimes.

Shelby Nicole said...

THIS IS SO TRUE!! But I AM from a small town, so i'm used to the tractor thing (in fact i'm probably guilty of doing that myself)...but traffic is RIDICULOUS in Cache Valley...that is one reason I will never permentantely reside here..!