Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack... the blogging world that is. I realize that it has been a while, but I haven't been feeling inspired as of late. I have had plenty going on, no worries, but I just haven't been feeling like sharing it with the world. I haven't really been on facebook, either, so maybe we can just say that I have been on sabbatical from all things social networking. Here is a picture of the new addition to our family that accounts for some of the busy-ness and lots of visits from our family who live in exotic places as far away as...Salt Lake:Meet Spencer John Barlow born on August 24, 2010. He decided to make things a little more interesting and arrived by C-Section without telling us that was how he wanted to come out. Surprise and everyone is healthy! While he was making friends in the hospital waiting to come home, I got to spend the week with my most favorite girl on the planet: We did lots of things together and had a great time and I am pretty sure that if I could bottle up the energy in that little body and sell it I would be a gazillionaire! Seriously, sometimes she just runs in circles or jumps in place because she has so much energy. I think that I will go to the gym before I see her again because then I might have a prayer of keeping up. And, someone commented that they might be forgetting what I look like because we haven't seen each other for so long, so here I am at the beach last month:

I love it there!

So, I will definitely be reporting on my goals that I wanted to reach before my birthday-most of which are going very well-and I have a few ideas in my head for some other things that I wanna write about. Number 1: Consideration. I feel like there is a lack of consideration for others in this world. Like, do the people pedaling their bikes down a busy street really need the whole lane and to block traffic? What about using the signal when you want to turn your vehicle? You get it-there is definitely more to come on this. Number 2: I have been conducting a great no-make-up experiment for the sake of myself and my skin and have some interesting stuff to report-my question to you is, do you feel confident enough in your appearance to just stop wearing make-up? How about for a month? Think about it...I'll get back to you:)

1 comment:

JP said...

Are you sure this little girl doesn't belong to you? Because she totally looks like a mini-Anne. We miss you here. Come visit us!!!