Thursday, June 25, 2009

Seriously? Seriously...

Conversation overheard in the check-out line at The Wal-Mart today:

Daughter:(wearing a Class of 2009 t-shirt and a CTR ring) Mom, why do I even have to take the ACT to get into College? It's not like I will need any of those skills to survive in life.
Me: (thinking silently in my head) Yeah, you will never need basic reading, writing, and comprehension skills...
Mom:(wearing a BYU shirt and CTR ring as well) I don't see why they make you take that test. You don't really need to go to college anyways.
Me: (again silently in my head, except for screaming this time) What?! Even the prophet has instructed women to be educated!
Daughter: I know! You and Dad didn't go to college and we are doing just fine.
Mom: Right. Girls don't need a degree to be wives and mothers. You will just get married and your husband will take care of everything that you need.
Me: (silently in my head, trying with all of my might not to scream out loud) Seriously? What's the need to be educated?
Daughter: I know. When I get married, then I can just do what my husband wants me to do and I will be just fine.
Mom: (pulling out the food stamps, no joke, to pay for her food)That's true, now we just need to find you a husband.
Me: (pulling out my phone to make sure that the date says 2009 and not 1950) Wow! I wonder if these people have been frozen in time...

Seriously? Since when did it become okay to just not be educated? There are many ways to educate ourselves without having degrees, and some of the smartest people I know have been quite successful without having one. That's not the point. I just worry with the way that the world is changing that we need to be taking every opportunity to better our lives and be prepared. Seriously. I think that I will write the book that is floating around in my head. It's called, "Making the most of your Singleness". Seriously.


Todd and Amyjoy said...

Wow, scary. AND not to mention the prophets have counseled us to be self sufficient. hmmm

Jen and Ryan said...

"I will just do what my husband tells me to do" SERIOUSLY? I want to smack that girl, and her mother for teaching her to thing that way. And I am all for a woman being a stay-at-home wife and mother but how are you going to teach your children?

Laura B from the LBC said...

Yikes....people are so stupid! The BYU shirt should have been your first clue....

Kim said...

Those two were either incredibly stupid or . . . well, I guess there is just one option. They certainly don't know their religion.

Shayna and Jeremy said...

Oh my gosh! I wish I could have been there for this! You always have the best stories! Boy is she gonna be shocked when he doesn't show right up!

Becky said...

Some people's children, er a parents, or a both in some cases! Yikes! How stupid...and I hate that word. But then again, if you take it a step farther, people who can justify that kind of mentality may not survive college.
I think you should write that book. It would be hilarious for sure and well worth reading.

Christine said...

That is crazy, and more than a little sad...
Next time, PLEASE say something out loud. Some little part of it might stick in her head and resurface later when she really needs it. Although I don't know if I'd have the guts to say anything... and what could you really say?!?
Love your blog! Someday, when I have a few minutes, I'll go back and catch up on earlier posts.